August 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Travis Avenue Baptist Church

We just wrapped up our installation at Travis Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas and believe that their new kids' building will be a huge ministry tool for families in the area! Wow handled all their theme and play attractions including indoor modular play, slide, outdoor playground, soft foam play features, edutainment and an original "Stockyards" theme murals and relief elements throughout the building.

Thank you Kirk, Donnie, Adelle, Scott and all the others we connected with throughout the project!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Baptist Euless

These are pictures from Phase One of the project as we completed the Preschool area first and will come back to finish the 4's and 5's and elementary spaces next. It's been wonderful to hear all the positive feedback and "wow" comments from the parents and kids. What an awesome statement to their church and community about their mission to reach kids!