During the first eight years, children are developing their visual acuity. Their perceptions of objects, movement, and print are expanded as they have opportunities for experiencing interesting visual images. Changes and variations of design intrigue children and cause them to visually attend to the unusual. The young child's environment that includes interesting visual aspects draws them to examine a painting on the wall or recognize a drawing that they have completed. Displays and panels provide visually interesting content to examine as children move about in the classroom space. In the past, many early childhood classrooms were so filled with commercial decorations, materials and, "stuff" that young children were visually overwhelmed. Today, we are working to have less clutter and a more organized display of materials and work, so young children can visually attend to and enjoy the important features of the environment.
Auditory Environment
Music and sound patterns stimulate several portions of the young child's brain. A variety of music and instruments can expand the sound world of young children, while developing musical enjoyment. Singing in circle time and during transitions encourages the children to discriminate sounds and identify familiar patterns. Making music with simple rhythm instruments provides opportunities for children to connect the object with the sound that it produces and to control the production. Recordings of vocals, instrumentals, and folk instruments provide another listening experience that expands the auditory environment for young children. Providing a special area for group participation, as well as a center where sounds can be explored individually, can add to the auditory possibilities of the classroom.
Integrated Environment
Young children make many connections when they participate in meaningful activities. Integrated activities that connect several types of learning are particularly effective for preschool children. These experiences provide stimulation for several portions of the brain and make additional connections that extend learning. Some of the experiences that are particularly powerful for integrated learning and building connections are learning centers, thematic episodes, and projects. To support integrated learning, materials must be readily accessible to the play areas and stored so that they can be selected and included in the play. To encourage the continuation of projects, there must be places to carefully store objects while the work is in progress.
Emotional Environment
It has been suggested that the emotions of children are strongly influenced by the responsiveness of the caregiver during the first years of life. If the child's joy is reflected by the caregiver and the emotion is reciprocated, the child's security is strengthened. If the child's emotion is interpreted as annoying by the caregiver, the circuits become confused. A caring and responsive caregiver provides a positive climate for young children that will impact not only emotional security but also many aspects of cognitive development. Children who feel secure and supported will experiment, try new things, and express their ideas.
The appropriate emotional environment also respects young children, while understanding individual differences. This means that each child has a place to collect "valuable" things—their pictures and work are displayed in the classroom. There is a place where the child can retreat when things get too busy, or when he becomes tired.
Independent Learners
An independent learner is able to make personal choices and carry out an appropriate plan of action. Beginning in infancy and toddlerhood and continuing throughout childhood, there is the growing need to become an independent person. Children want to do things for themselves and in their own way. Preschoolers become increasingly competent in making choices, creating a plan, and following through with a project or experience. If children's ideas are valued and their interest followed they will work on projects for long periods of time. This process is supported in an environment where children are able to revisit and reflect on their plans, while using their knowledge in ways that are meaningful for them.
An effective environment is designed so even the youngest of children can become independent. There are many opportunities for them to be successful as they work to do things for themselves. They are not dependent on the teacher and constantly asking for every material they need. An orderly display of accessible materials grouped together will help children understand that they are capable of making decisions. The environment will communicate to them, "you can make the selection, you have good ideas, and you can carry out the plan for yourself."
Influence of Environment on Children's Behaviors
The environment in which young children live tells them how to act and respond. A large open space in the center of the classroom clearly invites young children to run across the area. If few materials are available to use, children will create interesting happenings, including conflict. If the procedures for using learning centers are not predictable and easily understood, the children will wander in and out of the areas with little involvement in play. The arrangement and materials in the environment will determine the areas where children focus their work. It will also influence the number of conflicts that occur or the way the group works together. If the materials are hard plastic, the children are invited to be rough with the objects with little concern for their treatment. If a beautiful flower arrangement is on the table, they will learn to visually examine the flowers and gently handle the delicate blooms. Children learn to be respectful of their environment if they have opportunities to care for beautiful objects and materials.
Young children respond differently, based on the design of the environment in which they live. An effectively designed classroom has the potential for positively influencing all areas of children's development: physical, social /emotional, and cognitive. Language and learning are nurtured in an environment that values and plans appropriate opportunities. The environment can support the development of behaviors that are valued in our society, such as cooperation and persistence. An aesthetically pleasing space can develop a child's appreciation for the beautiful world around them. Most importantly, quality environment can provide a home like setting that "feels" like a good place to be.
Rebecaa Isbell, Ed.D., has been a teacher of young children, director of a Child Study Center, and professor of Early Childhood Education. Currently she is Director of the Tennessee Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Learning and Development, located at East Tennessee State University. She is the author of six books related to early childhood education including, Early Learning Environments that Work. Early Environments that Work, by Rebecca Isabell, Ed.D., and Betty Exelby, is an innovative guide for teachers who want to make the most of their classroom environment. For more information, please contact Gryphon House at 800-638-0928 or www.ghbooks.com.
A Place to Begin: Take a New Look at Your Classroom
If you want to create a beautiful environment for you and your children, take this simple survey of your classroom. Get down on the children's level and discover what they see. Take photographs to "really see" the space.
1. When a child enters the classroom, do they see an attractive space?
2. Will the child find this place to be warm and homelike?
3. Are the children's materials grouped together based on how they are used?
4. What are the sounds of the classroom?
5. Can each child recognize who lives and works in this space?
6. Is children's work displayed in an attractive manner that can be appreciated?
7. Are a variety of areas available: quiet, active, messy, and large or small group?
8. Is there a place to pause and reflect?
9. Is there a beautiful area or display that can be enjoyed?
10. Is there a teacher who wants to create a wonderful space for children?